Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friends Again!

The last time I saw Andy Clemans I was very drunk at Los Dos Gringos in Scottsdale. Jed and I left the bar went to my house and Becky proceeded to go into labor with Leila that was over 8 years ago. WOW that was an awesome and very rough day. Through the powers of Facebook Andy and I have once again become in contact. Friends again. We decided to do the Whiskey 50 mountain bike race in Prescott. How cool is that. Then I called and bugged him to do a trail race with me. Here is where Andy's coolness comes into play. He's just started running and ran the rock and roll NOL 1/2. Without too much hesitation he signs up for one of the toughest 1/2 marathons around. The Mesquite Canyon trail race is the last race in the Ariviapa DRT winter series and its SUPPER steep, ROCKY, ROUGH, and loaded with Cholla Ballz. Andy did an awesome job running the race! A couple slips a few chollas in the back but other than that he finished the race with a very respectable time. I had a great time running knowing that somewhere out there was Andy working his ass off.  Every chance I got I was looking for him. A few times I actually saw the big SOB. People around me probably thought I was nuts yelling GO ANDY from the top of the peaks but f them. My race was pretty good although my legs didn't open up until mile 5 or 6 then it was on. One of the cooler things that happened was while running up the mesquite canyon I looked up and saw a few deer standing 100 yards up on the steep side of the mountain. When have you ever run in a Maricopa County Park and seen deer watching a race. The up hills were pretty freaking brutal not only steep but very chunky and loose. Once my legs were awake I opened them up a little bit I ran my ass off. The far turn around was really cool flowery down hill I hit them really hard and made up some time. Once I got back to mesquite canyon I was very intimidated by the steepness and rockiness of the terrain. That is until a woman came flying up from behind she was smoking the downhill. I made some smart ass remark and she told me if I was man enough that I should race her to the bottom. She warned that the downhills are "HER THING". Well it was on fear be damned I got on her ass and we BOMBED down the hill she was awesome.  She was fast and very good at running down hills! We raced to the bottom I never fell or stumbled fear was left far behind. It was one of the most exhilarating things I have ever done. The next thing I knew we were at the aid station at the bottom of the hill and she won. The last 2.5 miles were hot and sunny the nice breeze from the higher elevations was gone. I sprayed my head with my water bottle and finished the race. NO PAIN NO ACHES I felt really good. I grabbed some snacks, water, a bowl of pasta and a lawn chair. I waited for Andy to come trucking down the train as hard as it was I was worried about him. But the next thing I knew he came running up the trail to the finish. GOOD WORK ANDY! It was a great race it was an even better reunion with an old friend!

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